The High-Resolution Electrochemical Measurements for Detecting Effects of MRET Non-Chemical Treatment of Water and the Following Treated Water Effects on Yeasts Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Culture
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Published: 2 November 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
MRET water activator is the stationary source of subtle, low-frequency, resonant electromagnetic field with composite structure. The objective of this article is to demonstrate a non-chemical effect of MRET activation device on molecular structure of water and the following effect of the treated water on yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture. Hypothetically the introduction of MRET water to biological systems can contribute to the enhancement of the cellular transduction mechanism and the proper function of cells in biological systems. Different EIS patterns around the thermal transition point of activated and non-activated water were detected as a result of experiment. All three samples of activated water demonstrate larger dynamic range before and after the transition point compared to the control samples. Experimental results clearly indicate that incubation of yeast S. cerevisiae in MRET treated sugar solution leads to the enhancement of microorganism’s metabolic activity and growth compared to control sample.
Keywords: MRET activated water, electro-chemical measurement, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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How to Cite
Igor Smirnov. (2018-11-02). "The High-Resolution Electrochemical Measurements for Detecting Effects of MRET Non-Chemical Treatment of Water and the Following Treated Water Effects on Yeasts Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Culture." *Volume 2*, 4, 20-24